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DragCave Page Empty DragCave Page

Post  Meadowlark Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:10 pm

So... here is the place for Dragcave related stuff! Feel free to ask me for things here publicly, or you can send me a PM. Also look for giveaways and announcements here too!

Next People in Line:

Bronze Tinsel: Celestiella
Gold Tinsel: None! PM me if you want to transfer to this line.
Gold Staircase Tinsel: None! Please PM me if you want to transfer to this line.
Silver Tinsel: None! (Only receive these through contests.)

Shinobimasterz (2 2nd gen metals for Holly)

Last edited by Meadowlark on Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:05 pm; edited 22 times in total

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragCave Page Empty Gifting Guidlines

Post  Meadowlark Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:12 pm

Here are my guidelines for gifting and requests. These are the same as the ones on my profile on the Dragcave Forums.

Important Note: I'm sorry I didn't mention this before, but if you are going to IOU me for something, then I wait until you have the egg in your possession before I move you up. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

My Requirements

1 ) No Harassing. This pretty much speaks for itself. Please don't bug with me with questions like "is my egg ready yet?" or things like that IF I have told you stop. You're more than welcome to ask questions, but if I ask you to stop, then stop. I reserve the right to remove you from the list if this happens.

2 ) Be Patient! I can't stress this enough, people. These prize dragons are like metals, they don't breed a prize every time! You have to be patient and wait a few weeks.

3 ) All Transfers Must be Made on the IRC. This is my main live chat site. It's easy for everyone to do, so if you don't know how, let me know.

4 ) You Can't Pick the Mate. Sorry, but the prize breeds best the with mate I choose, mainly because that's the only one it will ever mate with. However, if you want a staircase lineage, then go ahead and request it! I am more than happy to swap mates out if the tinsel has more than one mate. Take for example my bronze. Since it's a 2nd gen, can I make it become a staircase lineage or an even gen. It's your pick!

5 ) You can Only Request Another Egg after One Month. This is to make sure that other people can have a turn.

6 ) You may request a prize egg from a certain tinsel. Just understand that this may prove for a longer wait!

7 ) I do plan to keep some of the tinsels I breed. If you notice me keeping a tinsel, it's not because I've forgotten you, it's just that I want to increase my chances of breeding a tinsel by breeding more!

8 ) Don't bug the other people on the waiting list. If I hear anything about anyone harassing someone else so that they can get a higher position on the waiting list, I'm kicking you off. That would be just downright cruel.

9 ) If the prize hatches and becomes a gendered hatchie, then I am keeping the prize. Don't worry though, you will just get the next one I breed. If you can't accept it at the moment, then don't worry!

10 ) I can be flexible. If you want to move down a spot or switch with someone below you, then just let me know, and I can make it happen.

11 ) Please note that people trading are priority. Some people may offer decent eggs in exchange for a higher position. It's NOT bribery, it's trading. Please accept this. Don't worry, everyone will get their eggs at some point, just some sooner than others.

12 ) Did you miss your egg? Internet laggy? Someone else snipe your egg from you? Not a problem! You'll stay on my list until you get your egg. Locked on the day of the transfer? Don't worry! I'll hold the egg as long as I can, and I'll keep it until it hatches if you want. Of course, if you want to pass your egg along to the next person on the list, then just let me know. If the hatchling genders though, then I will be forced to move onto the next person since I don't want it growing up and have someone miss their chance.

13) Just a Clarification on How my List Works. If you just ask for me to gift you an egg, then you will take the next spot available. If you offer something that is high on my list in the first place, then you get to be near the top. From whatever position you are in, you get three opportunities to offer other things in order to move your position up. You can offer three things that move you up, and after that, anything else is a gift. This is to make sure that we keep things fair for everyone. Once a dragon enter what I call the "two-day countdown", no one can change position until that dragon breeds. The "two-day countdown" is when a dragon has two days left to breed. This is because I want to contact the new owner of the egg so that way they can get ready to receive it.

14 ) Know that if you have traded with me, then I will rank you at the top based on how valuable the egg you gave or will give to me is. Want to know my list?

1. More Tinsels! (Give me one of these, and you will move up to the #1 spot!)
2. Holly Promises (Also moves you up to #1!)
3. CB Metals, Blacks, or Neglecteds (Also moves you up to #1!)
4. CB Tan Ridgewings (Moves you up two slots from your current position!)
5. Shiny Pokemon! On the DS, of course... (Moves you up two spots from your current position!)
6. Purty Metals... (Moves you one or two slots from your current position based on the gen.)
7. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th EVEN gen blacks
8. CB Swallowtails! (Moves you up one position)[u]

Last edited by Meadowlark on Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:47 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragCave Page Empty Waiting List

Post  Meadowlark Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:16 pm

My waiting list for eggs!

1. Celetiella (Bronze Tinsel swap)
2. BloodyRose13 (Bronze Tinsel for... IDK! XD But it was something!)
3. Renmiri (Bronze Tinsel for CB Pink)
4. Halean (Bronze Tinsel)
5. Norbercik (Bronze Tinsel)
6. Counselor (Bronze Tinsel)
7. Achire (Bronze Tinsel)
8. Iside (Bronze Tinsel)
9. MisunderstoodDreamer (Bronze Tinsel and Gold Staircase Tinsel)
10. Rabbit153 (Bronze Tinsel)

NOT TAKING ANY MORE REQUESTS. LIST IS FULL. I breed every Tuesday so I update this list then. (Note, when an open slot opens, the first person to ask gets it. I don't hold slots for ANYONE. First come, first serve! I also reserve the right to kick anyone off my list who harasses me for eggs, or deny a request if I wish. I HAZ RITES 2!!!)

Last edited by Meadowlark on Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:52 am; edited 24 times in total

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragCave Page Empty Here's my Scroll!

Post  Meadowlark Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:16 pm

Come visit my scroll for ideas and requests!

DragCave Page Incubatorumbreonstarlig

Note: This is nowhere near all of my dragons. See my scroll for all of them.

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragCave Page Empty An Update on Breeding

Post  Meadowlark Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:03 am

Here, I'll post updates on how my recent breeding went. (As of October 6, 2011, I will only be breed one of each tinsel unless I have an emergency.)


Staircase Ivy: Nothing
Copper Ivy: Bred! (Given to Azure in exchange for sitting alt)
Silver Ivy: Nothing.

Last edited by Meadowlark on Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:22 pm; edited 11 times in total

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragCave Page Empty Re: DragCave Page

Post  Yukiko Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:10 pm

my eggs are about to die please save them!!!

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Age : 26
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DragCave Page Empty Re: DragCave Page

Post  Meadowlark Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:52 am

I've started taking in all eggs in the AP, including commons. I don't really care about the breeds anymore, I just want to rescue abandoned dragons now.

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Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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