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Twilight Princess

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Twilight Princess Empty Twilight Princess

Post  Meadowlark Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:34 pm

Guess what I got yesterday?

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! Oh yeah! I just started it (unfortunately, I seem to suck at the game), and I love it so far. The artwork is amazing!

But it's also the first Zelda game I've ever played. Don't get me wrong, I know most of the main characters, so it's not too shocking for me.

Although... I'm not sure whether I'll be good at this game. For one, it's exhausting swinging the wii remote around to kill things, but it's also fun at the same time! That and... I'm easily creeped out by scary looking trolls running at me in some sort of creepy way, so that freaked me out the first time it happened to me. But the gameplay is fun, and I like riding my pretty pony around and getting turned into a wolf.

Please let me know if you played this game before.... I could really use a couple of tips!

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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