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Parents vs. manga

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Parents vs. manga Empty Parents vs. manga

Post  MisunderstoodDreamer Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:14 am

This is a well known question, parents don't like that their children read manga because "comics" are for young children, "comics" are stupid, "comics" are dangerous for children's mind and so on. What do you think about it? Will you let your children to read manga?

My thought is: I really hate when people talks without knowing about the matter of their discourse. Knowing is the best thing. If we read the manga that our son/daughter is reading, we can understand what he/she is reading and we can start a debate with him/her about the ideas that are contained in it, being sure that he/she will get the message properly. Obviously, if a child is reading "hard" mangas like Berserk and Death Note I would say him/her to not read it, but until he/she doesn't get older (I do this with my little sister and works Wink ). Advise about what manga to read is a good thing too ^_^

Now say yours, as son/daughter and as future parent Smile

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Age : 37
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Parents vs. manga Empty Re: Parents vs. manga

Post  Meadowlark Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:26 pm

I agree. It doesn't necessarily always mess up people's minds... Although I can see why some people would think that.

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Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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