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DragonAdopters Empty DragonAdopters

Post  Meadowlark Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:27 am

I'm pretty sure I didn't already make a topic for this one. But I just wanted to introduce some of my dragons, and you guys can too! Write a little bio for them! Whatever you want!

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragonAdopters Empty My Dragons!

Post  Meadowlark Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:41 am

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_596922

First up, meet Ryu! She's my first dragon, an air element eastern. She's gentle and... now old and gray, haha. She likes watching the youngsters and rambling on about old legends. She's well respected and all, but no one really wants to listen to her stories... poor Ryu! Ryu's name means "Dragon" in Japanese.

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_611919

I'm sure all of you have an uncle who is incredibly hyper and loves to show off. I know I do. Well think of Janpu as that uncle. He constantly shows off when no one is watching, and those who are don't really care. He's really hyper, and loves to do stunts and tricks. He's well loved though, although his bragging rants get kinda irritating. Janpu's name means "Jump" in Japanese.

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_658069

Mitzu would be sporty one of the group. She loves playing aquatic games and racing other dragons through the water. She always wins, seeing as she's the best swimmer. She can also be a little quiet sometimes though. She is thoughtful and considerate, and very mature... when she's not competing! Her name means "Water" in Japanese.

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_678514

Meet Hana, the artsy, bubbly dragon. She loves drawing the mud and building little playmates out of leaves and sticks, but she is also a little naive and air-headed. I doubt she'll ever grow out of it. But that's what makes her fun I guess. Hana's name means "Flower" in Japanese.

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_690821

This is Sabaku, the quiet, friendly, and a bit nerdy western dragon. Sabaku is incredibly interested in literature, and reads for most of the day. If you can't find him in the house, then he's probably at the library, trying to find a book he hasn't read already. He likes spouting facts and such from books he has recently read, which can be a bit annoying to his friends and family, but he cares deeply for those close to him, so they learn to overlook that he can be a bit of a nerd. His name means "Desert" in Japanese, and his element is fire.

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_703065

Meet Makura. She may look really distant and shy, but she is a real softie once you get to know her. She often talks in rhymes and riddles, so no one really understands what she means... and once they think they do, it turns out she meant something completely different. She likes nature and animals, and the nighttime. You can often find her out on a cliff overlooking the ocean, or looking at the moon and the stars. She writes a lot of poems and stories in her spare time, but she can get a little clingy once she has a good friend. Her name means "Pillow" in Japanese.

DragonAdopters Dragonanimated_719098

He can be a bit immature at times, but no one knows how to have fun like Kaigan. He loves to fly and play in the sky, but can have fun on the ground too. He is known to have some pretty bad mood swings though. One minute, he's happy as can be, the next, he can get really mopey and depressed. But he's normally pretty cheery, so it's only a matter of time until he perks up again! His name means "Seashore" in Japanese, due to his water element.

Last edited by Meadowlark on Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:08 am; edited 4 times in total

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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DragonAdopters Empty Re: DragonAdopters

Post  Counselor Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:38 am

Awwww, they're cute. But after joining Rose Dragon Gardens I'm on my time limit for adoptables Wink


Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-06-18

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DragonAdopters Empty Re: DragonAdopters

Post  Meadowlark Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:19 pm

Yeah... I have a lot of sites that I'm on.. but I get bored so easily, so I need to have something to do all the time XDXD

Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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