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MeadowClan Empty MeadowClan

Post  Meadowlark Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:27 am

My warrior cats clan XD

MeadowClan 7700439
Robinstar: Leader
The young leader of MeadowClan. He is usually calm and cool, and usually never loses his temper. However, he can be very stubborn at times, and can be naive. He is surprisingly competitive, and hates to lose. He always puts the clan before himself, often to his own expense. Deep down, he is desperate to prove himself worthy of being a clan leader since he constantly feels like he was left in the great shadow of Swiftstar. His desperation to prove himself can lead him to making foolish decisions though, which he is able to correct with the help of his warriors.
Mate: Maplefern
Apprentice(s): Meadowpaw (Meadowlark), Mosspaw (Mosstail)

MeadowClan 7700432
Mouserun: Deputy
The swift-footed deputy of MeadowClan. Fiercely loyal, he never turns tail in a battle, but his strength is limited because of his build. However, he is one of the fastest warriors in the clan, as well as one of the best hunters. Surprisingly modest, he never quite thinks of himself as a good enough deputy for the clan, and pushes himself to great extremes.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): Amberpaw (Amberstrike)

MeadowClan 7700433
Nightlash: Senior Warrior
MeadowClan's most senior warrior. Arrogant to fault, he is headstrong and hot-headed, and is eager to rush into battle. However, his undying loyalty to the clan keeps him in check, as well as his love for his mate, Songflight. He is a risk-taker, unafraid to be the first one to test to see if a cave is safe, or if a badger set really is abandoned. His bulky build makes him a strong warrior, but a clumsy hunter.
Mate: Songflight (Father of Oakstorm)
Apprentice(s): Mistpaw

MeadowClan 7700446
Hawkpath: Medicine Cat
MeadowClan's aloof medicine cat. Often caught with his head in the clouds, Hawkpath is a dreamer. Sometimes, he even falls asleep on the job. But when it comes time to treating wounds and taking care of sick kits, it's all business. Hawkpath only ever seems to really come to life when he's needed as a medicine cat, and when he does, he becomes the hardest worker in the world, putting his own health on the line for the sake of others. But when he's not working, then you'll probably find him staring off into space.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700434
Maplefern: Queen
Robinstar's quiet and patient mate. Sweet and gentle, Maplefern hates any form of fighting at all, but accepts that it is a part of life. However, her morales make her a poor fighter. However, if her kits are under attack, then she will stop at nothing to protect them. She is extremely devoted towards Robinstar, but isn't afraid to voice her opinion against him.
Mate: Robinstar
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700429
Amberstrike: Warrior
Surprisingly wise and honest for his age, Amberstrike is a young warrior who has extreme devotion to the warrior code. He isn't afraid to call out his fellow clanmates when they are breaking the code either, and is known as a bit of a rule-follower and a goody-two-shoes for that. However, it doesn't bother him that much, and he is a fantastic hunter.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700431
Bluestep: Warrior
Quiet and calm, but can be extremely feisty when she's mad, Bluestep firmly believes that she-cats don't need to have kits in order to help their clan. She is a fierce warrior, but retains a cool and calm exterior. She finds most toms revolting, and doesn't like hanging around them.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): Flamepaw

MeadowClan 7700428
Mosstail: Warrior
A calm and patient warrior who can be very crafty in fighting. She is incredibly intelligent and wise, but is very patient with her apprentices and a very good mentor. She can draw the best out of any cat, but she isn't very strong or fast.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): Darkpaw (Darkmoon)

MeadowClan 7700436
Meadowlark: Warrior
One of the best hunters in the clan, Meadowlark is a soft-spoken and kind she-cat. Like many of her fellow clanmates, she respects the warrior code, but isn't afraid to break it if she thinks it's for the right reasons. While she isn't a very strong fighter, she is quick and intelligent.
Mate: Harebreeze (mother of Darkmoon)
Apprentice(s): Silverpaw

MeadowClan 7700437
Songflight: Queen
Nightlash's devoted mate, Songflight is a feisty and proud queen. She cares for her kits very deeply, but tends to disregard other kits, feelings that hers are the best. However, she does have a kind side to her, and takes pity on any cat in need. Her pride may lead to her downfall some day though.
Mate: Nightlash (Mother of Oakstorm)
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700536
Blackspots: Warrior
An overall kind and sweet warrior, Blackspots trusts his heart more than his head, often leading him into trouble with the warrior code. He is a fierce warrior, but prefers to find a peaceful compromise instead of fighting. However, because he is very naive, he has trouble finding a mate. His love for Bluestep is unreturned.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): Goldenpaw

MeadowClan 7700532
Harebreeze: Warrior
Despite his lithe build, Harebreeze is incredibly strong and a powerful fighter. His speed rivals that of his deputy, although he is far less emotional. He rarely speaks, but when he does, he always has something useful to say. He does whatever his leader says without question, and as an air of superiority around other cats. He doesn't spend a lot of time with anyone other than his mate, Meadowlark.
Mate: Meadowlark (Father of Duskmoon)
Apprentice(s): Patchpaw

MeadowClan 7700539
Duskstep: Elder
Once one of the fiercest warriors in all of MeadowClan, Duskstep was forced to retire after he lost hearing in his left ear, and sight in his right. What he lacks in brains, he makes up for in brawn, being one of the largest cats in the clan. He continues to help around the camp, but he can't hunt, although he can still defend himself and his clanmates if he needs to.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700540
Hailwind: Senior Warrior
Quiet, calm, and serious, Hailwind endured a life of hardship. The only one of his litter to survive, he doesn't speak much and is constantly thinking of his lost littermates. However, that doesn't stop him from being one of the most loyal and strong warriors in the clan.
Mate: Lilyfern (Father of Sparkkit and Birchkit)
Apprentice(s): Sweetpaw

MeadowClan 7700541
Lilyfern: Queen
A gentle and caring queen, Lilyfern put away her claws and now works full time in the nursery, whether she has kits of her own to care for or not. She is a great mother, and looks after all the other kits when their mothers are away. However, she is known as a bit of a glutton and has a tendency to eat just a little too much.
Mate: Hailwind (Mother of Sparkkit and Birchkit)
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700544
Dawnpelt: Queen
A fiery and courageous queen. She doesn't spend a lot of time in the nursery unlike most queens, although her kits are a little older, so it's okay. She is known for having a sharp tongue, as well as a major attitude, but she is pleasant enough once you get on her good side.
Mate: Rippleheart (Mother of Pinekit, Nettlekit and Sunkit)
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700547
Sagewhisker: Warrior
A calm and collected warrior, Sagewhisker doesn't like to be left in the dark. She always has to know what's going on, and when, which often leads to her pester Mouserun and Robinstar a bit too much. While she isn't one to start a conversation usually, she can be very difficult to shut up once she gets talking.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700549
Greywhisper: Elder
An old she-cat who is very wise, but has a tendency to ramble. She enjoys talking about "when she was an apprentice", which is interesting to some apprentices, but not a lot of them. She can act somewhat confused at times, which makes her a pain to look after, but now she's too old to leave the elder's den, which makes things a little easier.
Mate: None
Apprentice(s): None

MeadowClan 7700550
Rippleheart: Warrior
A very polite and loyal warrior, Rippleheart came into the clan as a rouge when he was seven moons old. He has always fought to prove his loyalty to the clan, pushing himself twice as hard as every other cat. He is a brilliant hunter, and makes almost no sound when he hunts, which earns him a lot of respect.
Mate: Dawnpelt (Father of Pinekit, Nettlekit and Sunkit)
Apprentice(s): Falconpaw

MeadowClan 7700427
Oakstorm: Warrior
A sweet and friendly tom, but has a mysterious past. He enjoys adventuring and flirting with Darkmoon, whom he deeply loves. However, when she rejects him repeatedly, he begins to get angry and frustrated, and questions his loyalty to his clan. He is strong and brave, a little thick-headed.
Mate: Darkmoon
Apprentice(s): None


Posts : 129
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 26

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